(NEC SL1000 System Installation)
In this slide it describes the following aspect of the NEC SL1000 in terms of hardware installation, mounting, card mounting concept, system upgrade, etc;
(NEC SL1000 System Installation)
In this slide it describes the following aspect of the NEC SL1000 in terms of hardware installation, mounting, card mounting concept, system upgrade, etc;
- Mounting Method: The mounting method available for NEC SL1000 is the wall-mount type. This is the only recommended mounting other than placing it horizontally on a rack tray. It also states the recommended distance between each system chassis.
- Expansion KSU Interconnection: To recap we will need to have the following cards when we need to have expansion system chassis; EXIFB-C1 & MEMDB-C1 card. These 2 cards shall be mounted into the main chassis and we should use the supplied cables to interconnect the main to the expansion chassis. Supplied cable is 1M and it should not be extended to ensure proper system operation.
- System Grounding: The system grounding is very important for safety aspect and most importantly for the proper functioning of the CALLER-ID transmission (for Analog Trunk Caller ID). It is not so crucial for countries that already comes with 3-pin power connection (ground is already supplied).
- Power Failure Transfer: For NEC SL1000 on the 8th port of the 008/408 card besides serving as a hybrid port, it also has a dual purpose (either 1) of supporting the DSS console & the PFT Power Failure Transfer circuit. So please be clear on the usage of this port. When this port is used as a PFT circuit, it is physically hard-wired to the 1st port of the CO (Analog CO trunk). Meaning in times o system power failure, the customer is still able to receive/make external calls using the analog phone connected to the 8th hybrid port. NOTE: ONLY ANALOG PHONE CAN BE PLUG IN FOR PFT TO WORK.
- Trunk Port Usage: For the 408 card for NEC SL1000 system, the analog trunk ports also serves another purpose. Trunk Port 2 for External Paging, Trunk Port 3 for External MOH, Trunk Port 4 for BGM Background Music. The usage is fixed and cannot be used on another trunk port, meaning if i want to use external MOH connection i can only make use of Trunk Port 3 and not the rest. Also if the trunk port is used for such purposes, then the trunk itself cannot be connected to this port (you will have 1 less trunk port to used).
- Extension Port Usage: In this section it mention the usage of the hybrid port itself. Important note; Port 6 & 7 can also be used to connect NEC doorphone. Port 8 can also be used for either DSS console or Power Failure Transfer PFT usage.
- Cable Length: It details down the maximum cable length that a connection should be. For example for analog phone connection, the maximum distance of the phone away from the system is 1125metres based on 0.5mm cable core
- System Card Installation: For each NEC SL1000 system chassis (main/expansion) we can put in additional 3 more cards (slot 2-4: 408/008/000/PRI). As the cards are stacked on top of each other, we have to be clear on which cards we want to mount first. NOTE: PRI card only 1 piece per chassis
- CPU Optional Cards: For the CPU card we can install the following cards based on customer's requirements: EXIFB-C1, MEMDB-C1, PZ-VM21, CF card, VOIPDB-C1 cards
- System Start-up: For NEC SL1000 we ca have hot & cold start-up. Cold start-up is for reverting the NEC SL1000 system back to factory default setting, Hot start-up is for loading the customer data into the system for normal operation.
- System Access: To access the NEC SL1000 we can have the 3 following methods of configuring the system; digital phone CATMODE, web programming WebPro and pc programming PCPro. Each of the method has it's pros and cons because certain commands are available only in certain login mode. For example when we need to define (reserve) number for IP phones, we have to use the PCPro. In another example when we want to activate the 60-days free license trial, we have to use the phone to do it.
- SL1000 Slot Number Concept: As we can have up to 4 system chassis, it is important to understand the slot number. So in total NEC SL1000 has 16 slots including the main board.
- Software Upgrade: In this slide it details down the process for perform NEC SL1000 system firmware upgrade. Take note that a blank CF card is required and the firmware needs to be loaded into the root drive of the CF card.
- System Firmware Checking: Steps on how to check the current firmware version of the NEC SL1000. With this step you can also check the hardware keycode of the system which is required during license activation.
- And many more: data saving, system shutdown, how to access to the NEC SL1000 system using the 3 login methods
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